
Changing hearts and minds

In our Art category, you’ll find illustrations, films, songs, poetry, plays, paintings and other forms of art that help provide a deeper understanding of people’s experiences of family life – of how people are affected and moved, in all sorts of ways, by their personal experiences and, often, driven to share their thoughts with spontaneous or carefully choreographed, artistic endeavours.

While scientific evidence is essential for creating evidence-based policies, it’s often art that provides the emotional engagement that deepens understanding and motivates action in those who’ve not otherwise had experiences of their own.

Watch a 2-minute film from Iran, a play from the UK, a song from the USA, or a full-length feature film from Germany. Each, in its own way, tells a powerful story – of compassion or sorrow or of the intricacies of family life and how to make decisions when parents move apart.

Together, they build a compelling argument for change – for a more compassionate, understanding and humane approach to a universal issue: how do we best look after children when the nature of their families changes.