
You can help: endorse our Vision and Aims!
If you or your organisation support our Vision and Aims, please let us know. Simply send us an email:
“I …(name)… of … (organisation/town/country) … support the Vision and Aims of the Two Wishes Foundation.”
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(Text for international versions – see language tab in menu bar)
Prioritising Family Wellbeing
To value and respect all families;
To make family wellbeing central to all communities, organisations and governments; and
To address, and raise awareness of, risks to children in families that experience family breakdown or under stress.
Enhancing Relationships
To enable all children and adults to develop good relationships and form healthy families and communities; and
To ensure that every child can develop positive relationships with all who love and care for them.
Ensuring Accessible Support
To ensure that local, affordable, high-quality support for all children and families is readily accessible – and actively promoted –
so that everyone can be confident of getting appropriate and compassionate help when, and even before, they need it.
Transforming Interventions
To promote prompt, effective, affordable and compassionate assistance, where it’s needed, by highly-trained professionals,
focused on the wellbeing of children and families – especially those that are vulnerable or under stress.
Changing Institutions
To greatly improve the operation, coordination, competence and accountability of all organisations and professions involved with families;
To remove harmful, systemic incentives; and
To ensure that all organisations and professionals involved do no harm.