
Money to avoid family court

2 March 2023. The UK Justice Secretary, Dominic Raab, will encourage separating families by “cost-shifting” money to avoid family court and go to mediation instead.

In his annual appearance before the House of Lords constitution committee, the justice secretary said the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) would continue to invest in mediation schemes for private law family cases. But, with the “carrot” of mediation, should be a “stick” or a “check” to keep people away from court.

The government needs to get the incentive right for people to go into mediation and the disincentive for going to court.

Dominic Raab, Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, UK

The government is preparing legislation and is “closely engaged” with the president of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane. Mr Raab said the government wants to make substantial structural reforms like this one.

Sir Andrew has given another good reason for families to follow the money to avoid family court. It’s not just better for their finances; it’s much better for the children too.