HelpYoung people

For young people

We are developing a comprehensive Get Help page for young people, including links to urgent phone services, online chats, advice and experiences of your peers (have a look at our “Voices” page or other posts labelled “Help” ) and other resources in many different countries. UK-based Voices in the Middle provides support and advice that’s valuable and designed for young people, wherever you are in the world.

Please contact us to let us know what’s available locally for you and help us create a page than can help more people better. Thank you.

Are you OK today? How are things at school? With friends? Is your family OK or not? Are you worrying about what’s going to happen? Maybe there are worries you can’t tell anyone easily? This page is a start to help you grow confidence and, if you need it, to get through worrying times, to help you think straight and get help. There’s lots more help like this near you too.

Hey Sigmund

First here are some great short videos aimed to help you find the best in yourself and to cope, if not thrive, through life and its big and little difficulties.


Young people connect a lot with friends and help online (like you are right now!). You know how online can be great at times – and it can be horrible too. To help you make sure of good social media, this short Kidpower video gives you some great advice about how to stay safe online and keep things constructive.

If you wrote a letter …

Here’s a way to get your thoughts and feelings clearer. It might sound something like this, or be completely different:

If your Mum and Dad are separating – or for any kind of worry you have – why not write your own letter, or make a recording of what you’d say? Just putting things can sometimes help, on its own. You may prefer to keep your words private or you may find it useful to share them, when you want to, with some you trust – someone you know is good at listening to you. It could be someone else in the family, or a friend or a teacher even.

Look for someone good to talk with

You know, don’t you, that – however hard you try on your own – if you still don’t feel OK , then it’s best to find someone else to talk with? Take care but to start with, that could be anyone your guts tell you to trust who would listen well – a friend, a parent or someone else in your family, a teacher or school counsellor. Be straightforward about needing help. If it doesn’t work with one person, find someone else until it does.

Have a look at the Get Help: For Children section here on Two Wishes. It may also boost your own courage and ideas how to do it.

Most countries in the world will have online or phone-in helplines for young people whatever they’re worried about. For example, if you live in England or Wales, here’s the NYAS National Helpline. It can be a lifeline like this: “I was passed from pillar to post until I rang NYAS”. Their website can be helpful, though, even if you live elsewhere.

Thanks for visiting Two Wishes and our Get Help for Young People page. We will be adding a lot to it over the coming year or two and would welcome your help to improve it. Please tell us anything you think would make it better. Thank you.