We need loving contact like oxygen
Two experts team up to show how, all through our lives, we need loving contact like oxygen. Both Ed Tronick
Read moreTransforming family separation & divorce
In few, if any, parts of the world is our approach to family breakdown, or to dealing with families in crisis, based on actual scientific evidence of what’s best for children and families.
Too often, we impose too-late ‘interventions’ instead of offering up-front, accessible support and education. Far too often, these interventions are based on a legal approach – family law – which is not the appropriate tool if we’re aiming to look after the health and wellbeing of our children. In fact, not only are such legal interventions too late and not appropriate, but, they’re actually harmful to the very children and families they’re supposed to protect.
In this section, Evidence, you can access a wide range of information, including the results of some of the best scientific research from around the globe.
We will review the available research and data and tell you what statistics you can rely on. In a field often dominated by ideology rather than scientific evidence – by actively promoted ‘fake news’, if you will – we’ll try to help sort the wheat from the chaff.
If you know of better evidence, or more recent research, you’re welcome to share it with us too.
Two experts team up to show how, all through our lives, we need loving contact like oxygen. Both Ed Tronick
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Read moreThere was a time, not so long ago, when some people didn’t believe that babies could engage in social interactions.
Read moreUniversity of Massachusetts Professor Ed Tronick pioneered some of the most revealing studies of babies in the 20th century. In
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