What we do

International research
Looking differently, with an evidence-based approach, at how different countries promote and support the wellbeing of children and families. Carrying out research locally in multiple countries, and online, into what support is available or needed for families and children and into world’s best practices for achieving the best outcomes for children and their families. Some of our research is summarised in posts throughout this website.

Creating an international, social impact campaign
Capturing the attention of large, international audiences, our films and TV ads – along with radio, podcasts and print and social media – are aimed at creating nothing less than an international paradigm shift in how we view and deal with all vulnerable families: to avoid harmful or inappropriate interventions that come too late and to ensure, instead, that all are treated with compassion and given the information, advice and support they need, when they need it most.

Educating professionals
Not knowing what they’re looking at is a problem too-often faced by professionals working with families in crisis; understanding family dynamics requires considerable experience and specialised training. Working with professional bodies, government agencies and politicians, we are working to ensure that all professionals working with children and families are properly qualified, accredited and subject to ongoing training, scrutiny and feedback.

Forging an international alliance
Many different organisations and individuals are working, with shared ideals, to look after and help children and families. By creating partnerships with like-minded organisations, peak bodies, government agencies, professional associations and individuals around the globe and bringing together those working in areas from early childhood development to family relationships, we aim to create universal agreement as to the best approach for all families in crisis.

Policy and strategic development
Taking a break from our public awareness campaign, we continue to develop and widely promote the best international and local policies that protect children and families from harm and give them the best possible chance of thriving. It may not seem exciting work to some, but if good policies are not available at just the time when public opinion demands action, ineffective or even harmful policies are the result.

Supporting children and families
Bringing together resources to help vulnerable children, young people and families and to enable them to find the help and support they need and better navigate family crises. Where resources are lacking, we are building our capacity to create apps, online resources and traditional brochures that provide support tailored for children, young people, parents and other carers.