Advisory Boards

Convenor: RS

The voices and experiences of young people lie at the core of the work and philosophy of the Two Wishes Foundation. This international Advisory Board, comprised of some of our Young Ambassadors, provides fundamental input to our policy development as well as greater understanding of the impact on children of different family circumstances.

Convenor: RK

The First Nations Advisory Board provides advice based on the perspective of indigenous people in multiple countries. What issues are particularly important for enhancing the safety and wellbeing of children locally? How can children best maintain their traditional family and cultural connections? What are the best ways for dealing with families who separate and those at risk of family violence, in all its forms?

Convenor: JJ

The Family and Community Advisory Board provides input into what measures and pilot schemes can best be implemented in local communities, as well as factors that help everyone deal with changes in their families with compassion.

Convenor: KK

This panel provides advice on what measures can be effectively implemented in schools in different countries and jurisdictions to help build resilience, emotional intelligence, conflict management and other skills in children. Among other things, it considers the roles of school counsellors, dedicated teachers focused on children’s mental health, and the potential for peer-support among school children.

Recognising the need to treat families with compassion and family breakdown as a health issue, this Board monitors examples of effective, health-focused practices around the world and advises on the most cost-effective approaches for dealing with families in crisis or exposed to breakdown.

Recognising the need to shift from legal to more collaborative approaches to resolving family matters after or during a separation or other major life changes, this committee makes recommendations about world’s best practices that involve mediation, conciliation and compassionate support for families – and how these can best be used and adapted in different countries or jurisdictions.

Convenor: PM

The Law & Justice Advisory Board provides recommendations about changes to current legal practices, systems and legislation that may best align with determining what’s best for the long-term wellbeing of children. Some of the principles it espouses are universal or broadly shared – for instance, across common-law systems; other recommendations are focused on particular changes in specific jurisdictions.

This Board advises on the best approaches and media – TV, print media, social media etc. – for raising public awareness and driving the social impact campaign that lies at the core of the work of Two Wishes. With members experienced in a wide range of media in many countries, the committee is looking at the best and most cost-effective approaches for triggering action and creating awareness of the changes our families need.